Do you ever find satisfaction from correcting small imperfections? Smoothing a wrinkle on a tablecloth, or adjusting crooked picture frame can for example? At MegoMedia, we gain incredible satisfaction from the process of perfecting our client's operations.
Not only are able to improve the way our customers' organizations flow, which makes everyone's job less stressful, but the sweet cherry on top is that we're also saving them from wasted time and money.
We have a keen eye for business processes and know what to look for. Here's a deep dive into a current project that we completed for a large healthcare company to improve the employee lifecycle with the company.
Case Study: A Large Healthcare System Wants to Hire for Longevity
U.S. businesses lose an estimated trillion dollars to voluntary turnover according to, and the average cost of replacing an individual employee can range from one-half to two times the employee's salary (1). As businesses face the expensive reality of employee turnover, it makes sense that organizations are looking to determine how they can hire for longevity.
Recently, we completed a project for a large hospital system. As a complex organization with multiple employers within the system, we aimed to streamline the entire lifecycle of the employee to help save them time and money in the long-term. This involved understanding the differences that existed across the different organizations within the system and determining whether these differences made sense or if processes should be streamlined.
With so many different employers and ways of doing things within the system, we first had to categorize employees by group, identifying how each group functioned similarly and differently. This involved a universal outline of the standard employee journey, and meeting with leaders across the organization to determine the reasoning behind various processes.
Then, we worked our way down the lifecycle of the employee, diving into the paperwork that told the story of their employment with the company, from hire to departure. We ended with a collection of assets related to the employee experience including recruitment documents, hiring documents, offer letters, onboarding processes and program materials, employee benefits information, engagement programs, newsletters, policies, posters, company development. materials, goals documents, continuing education programs, leadership programs.
Through our thorough deep dive, were able to create a large-scale physical representation for the client that included samples of all of the assets collected and organized them in a way that took a viewer through the “journey”. In some situations this was broken down by employer group OR by type of assets, with all employer groups various documents side by side.
Then, we created a digital representation to embody & portray the employee journey & lifecycle that consisted of a summarized, clear picture of the more robust physical display. This had key takeaways, suggestions for moving forward, and a suggested plan of action to move forward.
Through our results we were able to work with company stakeholders to help them understand the experience that employees within the organization are having similarly, differently, and areas to improve with recommendations.
Through this process we were able to understand what was different and WHY. Sometimes streamlining doesn't make sense. It's always important to question where it makes sense to do something differently.
With this information, this organization was able to create a plan to have more consistency across the company so that the brand was consistently displayed no matter which group an employee was employed through.
Now the company can work to centralize assess, create more consistent processes which will result in less custom creation/needs and less bodies to support employee initiatives. Brand consistency would be more aligned, leading to more draw to the company as well.
Interested in learning more about how we can do this for your business? We'd love to show you how we can improve your systems. Contact us today!