We have reached the end of the year, 2020. This year has certainly been a doozy! No matter what kind of year it has been for you, this is always a great time to evaluate how the year went, think critically, and determine what goals to set for next year.
Our MegoMedia team takes goal setting very seriously, and we have a system we use for both our clients and for ourselves to establish goals that create success. Here’s a little glimpse into how we do this:
1. Write everything down on paper!
Your ideas are always solidified when you write them down on paper. Writing down your goals, milestones, and achievements you are shooting for helps your goals to become more physical and real. It’s easy to let things slip when they aren’t documented. Think about your goals and a contract with yourself!
2. Where are you at right now?
What goals have you accomplished so far? How many clients do you have? Do you have a brand built? What are your sales looking like? The first step to setting goals is understanding your current situation. Write these things down first.
3. Where do you want to be?
The next step is defining a high level view of what you want your business to become. What will your business look like in six months? One year? Five years? By figuring out a general direction, you can get into the meat and potatoes of setting your goals.
4. Now it’s time to create SMART Goals!
A SMART Goal is an acronym marketers learn early on in their education and careers. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Take your high level directions you identified in the previous step and create goals that check each of these boxes!
BAD GOALS: Increase Sales. Build client list. Make more money. Build my brand.
GOOD GOALS: Increase product sales by 5% in the next year. Gain 2 new clients each month for a total of 24 by the end of the year. Increase Facebook following by 8% over the next 12 months.
Notice the difference? Be specific and set yourself up for success!
5. Set milestones along the way! (AKA key performance indicators)
Many little goals are much less scary looking than one big goal. Set up a few “checkpoints” along your journey to see how you're doing, where you need to adjust, or if you are right on track!
After you have navigated through your year (or whatever time period you have set yourself up with) it is time to repeat this process. Grab your previous goal sheet and evaluate: what did you achieve, where did you fall short….sound familiar? You can now see where you have come, and where you can reach for next!
That’s the beauty of goals - you create your own achievements and challenges all at the same time! There’s nothing better than facing a challenge and overcoming it!