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Writer's picturePaige Bethke

Super Simple Marketing Inspiration for November 2022

Do you struggle to come up with new and fresh content each month? As we enter November, a few general themes probably come to your mind as you begin to plan your website, blog, social media, promotions: Thanksgiving, fall, football and Black Friday.

But there is much more to the month of November. Don't let your marketing messages blend in with the competition. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination as you begin to map out the next month's of marketing content.

Highlight a National Day

Whenever you're having trouble coming up with content ideas, a great launch point is to look into the national days that take place within the month. There might be some surprisingly relevant days that you may not have thought of that are especially fitting to your industry.

Another great reason to celebrate national days is that it shows your customer that you're connected to what's going on in the world.

Here are a few days that take place in November:

  • Daylight savings time ends (first Sunday)

  • Color the World Orange Day (first Monday)

  • Stress Awareness Day (First Wednesday)

  • Cash Back Day (First Thursday)

  • Doughnut Day (Nov 5)

  • Veterans Day (Nov 11)

  • World Kindness Day (Nov 13)

  • Philanthropy Day (Nov 15)

  • Adoption Day (Saturday before Thanksgiving)

  • Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (Nov 19)

  • Take a Hike Day (Nov 17)

  • Giving Tuesday (Tuesday after Thanksgiving) to celebrate generosity and give.

  • Small Business Saturday (Saturday after Thanksgiving)

  • Personal Space Day (Nov 30)

November National Month

Focusing on a theme throughout the month is another strategy that you could use to drive your content. November is the national month for many important concepts and topics including:

  • Lung Cancer Awareness Month

  • National Gratitude Month

  • Adopt a Senior Pet Month

  • No Shave November (Movember)

  • National Native American Heritage Month

  • National Entrepreneurship Month

Focus on a Cause & Express Gratitude

Because we're entering the month of Thanksgiving, you can't go wrong with expressing gratitude. Think about the people and institutions that your business benefits from or relies upon and be sure to create posts thanking them on all of your platforms.

There are also many notable causes that you could highlight to show your businesses heart and encourage your followers and customers to support. Giving Tuesday (Tuesday after Thanksgiving) is a day where consumers are encouraged to celebrate generosity and give. Pick your favorite cause or organization, make a donation, and encourage your followers to do the same!

What's Coming Up?

People are always looking into the future, so it can never hurt to focus on the next month to spark inspiration. With the December holidays coming up, show that you are planning for the next month by teasing holiday promotions, and posting fun holiday-centric content to get your audience in the holiday spirit!

Ready to hand the task of content planning over to the experts? Contact us today to learn more about our extensive content services!

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