Owning your own business is not often seen as a health-boosting venture in itself. In fact, it is often associated with stress, burnout, and challenges. However, when looking beyond the surface stressors, there are several hidden health benefits that can make the experience both life-enriching and health-enhancing.
Here are some key health benefits of being a small business owner.
Mental Health Benefits
Sense of Accomplishment
Running a successful business can provide a sense of accomplishment, especially when you provide a good or service that you feel good about, or benefits others.
Fun fact: Achieving goals and overcoming obstacles can boost your self-esteem and contribute to a positive mental outlook.
Stress Management
As mentioned, stress and owning a business often go hand-in-hand. But, owning a business also often comes with the ability to have more control over your work environment than other work does. Knowing that you have a direct influence over your time and outcomes can lead to reduced anxiety.
Physical Health Benefits
Active Lifestyle
Many business owners succeed because they can juggle many things at once. This includes making time for movement in their day. They know that staying on top of their game will lead to better performance in their work and life. And, many business owners are forced to move a lot during the day - bouncing from meeting to meeting, managing inventory and overseeing the day to day operations.
Flexible Schedule
The flexibility of owning your own business also allows for the ability to better prioritize health. The ability to move things around to accommodate health appointments, make time for exercise or even sleep can have a tremendous impact on health.
Emotional Health Benefits
Meaningful Work
Often, business owners are passionate about the business they started. When a business starts out as a passion project, there is a greater emotional benefit when things go well. Doing what you love has the potential to boost happiness and reduce the likelihood of burnout.
Relationship Building
It is very challenging to be successful in business without a lot of human interaction. While these connections are usually work-related, interactions with partners and customers can be positive and contribute to emotional support and a sense of belonging.
Cognitive Health Benefits
Continued Learning
Owning your own business requires constant learning and adapting. This mental stimulation keeps your brain active and can help prevent cognitive decline.
Problem-Solving Skills
Every business owner needs to solve problems and make decisions quickly - this sharpens your cognitive skills. This ongoing mental exercise contributes to maintaining a healthy, sharp mind.
Social Health Benefits
Community Engagement
Small business owners, in particular, are often heavily immersed in their local communities. Community engagement boost social connections and contributes to a sense of belonging.
Networking Opportunities
Having a network of professionals, as many business owners do, provides social support, reduces feelings of isolation, both contributing to overall well-being.
No one ever said that being a business owner isn't challenging, but the hidden health benefits make it a rewarding endeavor.
From improved mental and emotional well-being to physical and cognitive health advantages, the positive impacts are significant.
Thinking about starting your own business?
Embrace the unique health benefits of being a small business owner and enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling life.